Publicado en Romania - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 02 Apr 2024 10:41 - 9
Last day events are still in my head, but I make peace with them and from my part is ok. Is just a game, we had fun, I might say it was a battle that remind us of how this game can be, if we play it right, and with dignity and respect for others.
One more time o7 and respect to all that fight in that battle, mostly to those who help us but also to those who fight against, the community is alive and that is what matter the most, not a region or a war.
I watched the game reaction to what was happening and I believe that that war is already over, and I'm sure that not far from now Murat will release the province to the 300 Spartans
))) (inside joke, ask him, I'm not gone tell... I just had to add it because I love it).
He didn't attack another region, I don't think he will, and I wont bother him with an attack (I don't have the clock yet, but never then). I wont start a rw there, I presume they have people who want that badge and can make it, and I have patience.
But enough about that fight (its in the past already), I asked my people to not fight 1 single shot if they attack another region and that is. I'm at peace, we prove what we can do, we can die with honour also if it is require.
Till now all is ok, peachy, Denmark is already around for months, from the moment we came here we do pour part, proud members of Eden (and was hard for us to see the light, coming from the other side, but we did and was fun), people write or meme about us, so we are alive! Few people, but good - and we was wipe before and come back, so no problem!
I also like a lot JanGo message because it make me realise I'm a fool to, I have my own blame and my own share of guilt because .... when Romania attack Hungary, Jaca ask me to help and I say no! I cant fight against my origin country, I cant give caterpillar (humulus) reasons, and I wasn't able to stand in front of peoples that once elected me as there CP and put my foot on the ground!
I was extremely wrong, and I'm sorry about that. Jaca , Im sorry my friend, I cant change the past, but I will do all I can to fix it in future.
One more time o7 and respect to all that fight in that battle, mostly to those who help us but also to those who fight against, the community is alive and that is what matter the most, not a region or a war.
I watched the game reaction to what was happening and I believe that that war is already over, and I'm sure that not far from now Murat will release the province to the 300 Spartans

He didn't attack another region, I don't think he will, and I wont bother him with an attack (I don't have the clock yet, but never then). I wont start a rw there, I presume they have people who want that badge and can make it, and I have patience.
But enough about that fight (its in the past already), I asked my people to not fight 1 single shot if they attack another region and that is. I'm at peace, we prove what we can do, we can die with honour also if it is require.
Till now all is ok, peachy, Denmark is already around for months, from the moment we came here we do pour part, proud members of Eden (and was hard for us to see the light, coming from the other side, but we did and was fun), people write or meme about us, so we are alive! Few people, but good - and we was wipe before and come back, so no problem!
I also like a lot JanGo message because it make me realise I'm a fool to, I have my own blame and my own share of guilt because .... when Romania attack Hungary, Jaca ask me to help and I say no! I cant fight against my origin country, I cant give caterpillar (humulus) reasons, and I wasn't able to stand in front of peoples that once elected me as there CP and put my foot on the ground!
I was extremely wrong, and I'm sorry about that. Jaca , Im sorry my friend, I cant change the past, but I will do all I can to fix it in future.
Comentarios (9)

Luptele navale sunt cele care au timonă drept simbol...

Mulțam de informație, o să caut una să văd cum e

Cred că Dobrogea e navală, că văd că mi-a urcat rankul după ce am dat azi la ordin
Deci știu și asta cum e sau vorba de la Vacanța Mare: Amu știu!

Da, Dobrogea e navală, din păcate doar la rank-ul naval apare, E simplu de individuat luptele cele cu scutul și două spade indică o luptă terestră, cel cu timonă indică o luptă navală. Mai poți identifica și altfel, bine acum e prea devreme cred, când apeși pentru a seta armele pe care vrei să le folosești în luptă, la cele navale îți vor apărea navele/bărcile, la cea terestră îți vor apărea pistoale/ tancuri. Avioanele cred se pot folosi pentru ambele lupte, nu am verificat încă...



Frumoasa adaptare.

I am Hulk!