Admin News

Admin - Periódico de United Kingdom -

Publicado en Ukraine - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 20 May 2024 10:17 - 31

Dear Players,

Its Monday, after your proposals we decided on some movement in the game and help players to stick around more in the game. So let's start with new things that are coming into the game.

Daily Chllange

The goal of this event is to engage all players, especially new ones, by providing daily missions that are easy to complete and offer enticing rewards. This will help players integrate into the game, establish a routine, and build connections within the community. This event will be available in game from Saturday 25.05.2024.
The event will be ongoing, with daily missions resetting every day. Each player has five missions to complete daily, involving spending 100 weapons (Q1-Q5). The specifics vary based on the player's level. Also, these missions do not necessarily mean that hey will remain like now, they might get changed.
For players between levels 1 and 100, the missions are designed to be particularly supportive. Instead of the final mission requiring the spending of 100 Q5 weapons, they will need to use food to recover 4000 energy consuming food. Players in this range can open up to 10 reward boxes if they complete all missions.

Players between levels 101 and 300 can complete the missions twice daily, allowing them to open the first eight reward boxes. Meanwhile, players above level 301 can complete the missions once daily, with the ability to open the first five boxes.
The reward system is designed to be simple yet rewarding. Each completed mission allows the player to open one reward box. Each box contains four possible rewards, one of which is given randomly upon opening. This adds an element of surprise and excitement.

The main objectives are to encourage regular daily activity, help new players connect with experienced players, and increase the likelihood of new players sticking around. Missions and rewards are flexible and can be adjusted based on player feedback and game balance. This event aims to create a welcoming environment that encourages daily participation, rewards commitment and helps build a strong, supportive community within the game.


- To assist new players, we expended limit of having additional training grounds to players with less than 2000 Strength/Intelligence. This facility will grant you 25 Strength/Intelligence per day, and it will be active from Saturday 25.05.2024.

- E-mails for players who are registering in the game are not done automatically anymore, they are done manually after each registration form is fulfilled. If it is valid, we will send an e-mail with a verification code. This process can take for few hours to verify whole data.

- Changes for those who have Organization. For Organization you are able to buy only Gold and Business Pack. Players below level 50 can not create an Organization.

- Minimum level of 35 is required to: Open a Military Unit, Party, be a candidate for Country President, Congress, Party President and make donation with gold or items.

Your feedback

Please do provide us your feedback on next two things.

- Resistance damage:
The idea of introducing resistance damage, also known as influence or partisan damage, is to boost damage in battlefield scenarios without affecting player stats. This would dynamically change battles, especially in regions that have been held for extended periods, preventing strong countries from farming regions indefinitely.
Resistance damage aims to provide an advantage in battles based on the length of time a region has been occupied. The longer a region is held, the higher the resistance damage bonus for players fighting to liberate it. This bonus does not contribute to overall player stats but only affects the specific battle.
There are two main perspectives on who should receive the resistance damage bonus. The proposed approach suggests that all players fighting to liberate the region should receive the resistance damage bonus. This approach is believed to increase battle dynamics and make strategies more interesting. It would encourage cooperation among players from different countries and prevent strong countries from easily holding onto regions by introducing more variables in battles. However, it may seem unfair to players from the region’s country who feel they should have exclusive advantages, and it might lead to stronger players from other countries dominating the resistance effort.
The player proposition suggests that only players from the country that owns the region should receive the bonus. This approach ensures the country's players have a vested interest and unique advantage in liberating their regions. It encourages nationalistic pride and efforts within the game's community and avoids potential exploitation by stronger players from other countries. However, it might limit the strategic complexity and cooperation in battles and could make it harder for smaller or less active countries to liberate their regions without external help. Our opinion is that influence is applied to all who are helping liberate the region. Please share with us your pros and cons, ideas, feedback

- We have some ideas regarding the Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) to make the game more enjoyable, challenging, and strategically engaging. Currently, there's a limit of 10 MPPs per country. Our proposal is to remove this limit and introduce a more flexible system. The question is, how do we implement this effectively?
The idea is to tailor the number of MPPs a country can have based on its power. Stronger countries would have fewer active MPPs, while weaker countries could have more. This system benefits smaller countries and introduces new dynamics to the game, preventing the top 3-4 powerful countries from always siding together.
This change aims to balance the playing field, making alliances and strategies more diverse and unpredictable. We believe this approach will enhance the overall gaming experience by encouraging varied alliances and giving smaller countries a better chance to thrive.

We will post this proposal on Discord for further debate and welcome your comments and suggestions to refine this idea.

- We have been asked for some small packs for few bucks. THis can be done, but we think maybe of kind of limitation, or to provide it only to players below some level, like 200-300, or to allow it to all players. So they can have something small on weekly routine and can have it for some low amount of money. What is your opinion for this ?

- We are eager to hear your opinions on any fresh new event ideas or concepts we can develop. The rewards are splendid, as everyone knows. Smile

Best regards,
eDominacy Team



Comentarios (31)

Golden Ticket for 8.5eu like Monthly, not 18....
For the small packs, maybe make them available to the players with less than 2000 Strenght?
The HUGE GAP between Visa and F2P is so huge that seem un-repairable to me anymore. F2Ps are basically non-existent now.
Hediye var mi
Thanks for updating the training grounds! This should be done like that regularly to assist new players.
The ideas about the MPPs limit being based on power and the resistance thingy (i agree with it as an idea but not as it is proposed) is only gonna punish active communities and countries if its implemented as proposed in the article. The DS bonus 25% is crazy and there is nothing you can do to destroy/wipe its effect even for a small period of time. Something needs to be done. The gold pack's price is simply stupid. I honestly dont understand how can the administration be that shortsighted. Lower it to 9.99, people will be buying it in droves. The so called small bucks pack not being able to players after a certain level does sound good to me. Many people are waiting something to be done about the recently uncovered exploit scheme (mainly used by Albania) which even if stopped now exacerbated even more the visa - f2p difference. Albanians that used the exploit are now level 700..... As Shayan said, f2p are basically non-existent now more than ever, thanks to the cheaters and exploiters, who played dirty for 50 days.
baby boom when ? Smile
With all due respect, the way i see it is that admins only thinking about the game in a very short term based. There is no way in hell f2p(or even moderate spender) can make even the SMALLEST difference in battles or in the economy. And VISA will be tired of spending money at some point cause they can not rely on their community to win battles anymore even if they got a big community… and the only way is to just throw money at battles now. Which will only last until a certain point. Let me be honest, Every event in the game now needs either VISA or spending big amount of Golds/CC, or having big help to produce things etc. (wait until there will be no more q1 weapons / navy in market very soon, 0) A guy with companies can have income up to 1000x a f2p guy. There is no balance. Guys f2p can barely make 5 mil damage in a battle while a visa come, drop 1-2bil and get out till tomorrow.
Good job
Having to pay 18 euros to complete season quests is unacceptable. This favors players who have a high gaming budget. For this reason, I am leaving this game. Good luck to the brave or fortunate.
Free food? Free weps? FREE HUGS !!!
Can someone tell deflection to remove our D from his mouth and stop crying ?
@admin , About MPPs, i have suggested something similar 7 years ago on your first server, i thing i didnt delete that article, so if interested in this kind of idea, maybe my article there can provide some thoughts about that.
Parabéns, Gostei das mudanças, Vai ajudar bastante os iniciantes como eu.
Konosuba goddess Eris best girl
k Putalos