Newspeak Minitrue

Publicado en Ireland - Debates y Análisis político - 06 May 2024 10:47 - 15[/img%3Cfont%20size=

Hi all

I am no longer CP of Ireland and have handed over the reigns to the very capable...  OrignalQC.

I wish him only the best in the role and he is a wonderful player.

I am however, even though it was my decision, sad Sad to leave the top job because I in this role had met some wonderful people both internally in Ireland and also abroad in the game.  

Ireland has, since day one punched above it weight and here we are on Day 40.

Military under the MOD Brisleain has shown that Ireland is a force.  However we always tried to use this in a responsible way.  You do not find threats from Ireland to countries nearby.  Even when the USA CP published an article effectively declaring war on us I quickly came to the realisation, not that he agreed, that he was somewhat inexperienced in international affairs.  So leeway was given and dialogue was opened. And agreement was forged.  This I was very happy with and so much more when the agreement was agreed to be renewed.  That that agreement was broken by USA leading to the current war was NOT something I wanted.  However it was broken and this has conquences and war was declared and while the prosecution of this war is for my successor he has my full support to do so to its fullest.

That our Alliance, Parabellum, was set up during my term with great allies is also a source of pride.  That the HQ of the ingame Alliance is set in Ireland also is great to see.  I can tell you all that the members of Parabellum work as a cohesive team.

I want to say our economic minister, cOSHi, is simply at a level ahead of anyone who held this role in any game I played.  Did I agree with every suggestion he made? No... but was proved wrong each time.  The role of CP is making decisions but also deferring to others who know more than you.

The Team!!!  I will not name the team in Irish HQ but they all know who they are and to a man or woman they all work to improve Ireland and to the benefit of our citizens...  I can only say that any country would be lucky  to have such a team.

Lastly the new CP appointed me as Prime Minister so in that job I guess my job is to sell Ireland as a country that you want to join.  All I can say, and I hope no one in Ireland would disagree, Ireland is not a country but an actual community.  Ireland is populated by people who came from many different games and real life countries, We have friendships that are forming now that will last long into the future.  I am so lucky to be here and to have led us. 

If you are considering joining Ireland then PM me on discord or in game or fill out this form  .  Questions?  Just ask... my answer maybe what you wish to hear or maybe not. 

Tá an-áthas orm mo thír a threorú agus guím gach rath uirthi amach anseo!

My final action in this article is to leave you this video of the wonderful Rory Gallagher in action!
It sums up our country magic but wild craziness Laugh


RendcOSHiSir barbodKavehBrisleain

Comentarios (15)

First taken
vote 5
Good country is not only because team and hq but who lead everything it was Nice to Look you at cp 🙈 i hope next cp Will be same or try to be same 🙈🙈 Hail ireland
1. Thank you winston, you are a great friend and CP. 2. every player that wishes to join Ireland, please fill form or contact gov representative. we have a very supporting community in every pillar and some more surprises Wink link to apply:
Thank for everything Winston o7
Hail Cillian Murphy
Hail Winston! Hail Ireland! Hail Parabellum!
Ireland is best land.