La Panadería Express

Publicado en Mexico - Debates y Análisis político - 06 May 2024 07:58 - 10

Hello everyone.

As you know in Mexico we had elections, I am the current Prime Minister.

We in Mexico are very proud and happy to began to build the correct path for our country and we are exited for this opportunity. Still, we have enemies. Enemies that want to humilliate us and destroy our spirit.

Since day 2, our nation had been invaded by barbaric hordes from the South. They created the condition to sabotage the growth of our nation. They are what we call "El Masiosare". Masiosare is a word created in Mexico who describes an Enemy. Is the Enemy that comes to profane our land, and come to humiliate and sabotage. Many of our nationals leaved the country as refugees in Europe from the devastation caused by the Hordes from the South.

In reality, the world Masiosare world doesn't exist in Spanish, but in the Mexican ethos, it exist to describe a particular kind of enemy: The worst one.

Mas si osare un extraño enemigo
profanar con su planta tu suelo,
piensa ¡oh Patria querida! que el cielo
un soldado en cada hijo te dio.

Which means:

But if a foreign enemy should dare
to profane your ground with his step,
Think, oh beloved Motherland! that heaven
gave you a soldier in each son.

And as in this part of our national anthem, we fight them to the end, because we are soldiers thats the heaves gave birth to defend our motherland!

So as the Prime Minister, I call to the new Bosnian government: Let's be allies! Please, don't shoot yourself to became Masiosare!


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Comentarios (10)

s2 + v3 o7 Hordes from the South xD please, Bosnia, think about it! :3