Publicado en Spain - Entretenimiento y Ocio - 29 Apr 2024 04:08 - 4

No tengáis vergüenza en votar este mierda articulo a mi también me ha dado vergüenza redactarlo
Don't be ashamed to vote on this shitty article, I was also embarrassed to write it
Don't be ashamed to vote on this shitty article, I was also embarrassed to write it

deja tu articulo en los comentarios para comentar y votar
Submit your article in the comments to comment and vote
Submit your article in the comments to comment and vote
si tienes remordimiento realiza una donación para callar tu conciencia
If you have remorse, make a donation to silence your conscience
CRIS 99Comentarios (4)

Ah no que ya estaba suscrito. Voto number 1