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Shinobi - Periódico de Croatia -

Publicado en Croatia - Primeros pasos en eDominacy - 29 Apr 2024 03:34 - 1

The one whoserves

SAMURAI –The one whoserves
The samurai were a warrior caste inmedieval Japan, but they were also highly educated and were practically the political elite. All their lives they followed BUSHIDO (bushi - warrior; Do - path) known as the path of warriors and were faithful to their Daimyo (ruler, master)
They are recognizable by theirspecific hairstyles tie dinbuns, Kobuto masks and helmets and Yoroi armor.
Kobuto is a helmet with a mask. Most often they were extremely decorated while the mask it self looked scary.
Yoroi (samuraiarmor) was mostly made of raw hid eor metal parts, although wooden tiles connected with decorative laces were also used to make yoroi.
The righthand was usually not covered with a metal part of the armor for easier and more lefthandling of the weapon.
Although the Katana (long samurai sword) is their most recognizable weapon and almost a trademark, depending on their role in the units they also used yari - spears, naginata - a combination of spear and wakizashi (short samurai sword), yumiandya (bowandarrow) as well as various types of "smallarms"
Yumi is specific in that it is asymmetrical and very long.
Little is known about the fact that samurai were not just men. While all over the world women waited for there turn of their fathers, wive sand children from the battlefield, womenin Japan had strong political power and were also fearless warriors and fought side by side with samurai.
Onna-bugeisha belonged to the samurai class and also lived bushido. Their main weapon was naginata.

How much they adhered to the bushido is also shown by the facts about harakiri and seppuku, as well as the little-known fact that the samurai were not only warriors but also a kind of police. Hierarchy and regulations were strictly prescribed during the arrests, so for example, when arresting politicians or prominent people, purple armbands were used for tying hands and feet, while black bandages were used for the most serious criminals, criminals, HDZ thieves.

The cruelest and scariest part of a samurai’s life was suicide. We distinguish 2 samurai-specific ways of suicide - seppuku and hara-kiri.
Seppukuis a ritual suicide when a samurai takes his own life because he betrayed a daimyo or a superior and I would call it suicide "for conscience" whilehara-kiri (hara = belly; kiri = cutting) is a suicide that is practically ordered or expected from samurai.
Both are performed in seiza no kamae (sitting position) with a tanto knife or a short wakizashi sword. They pierce his stomach with a blade and cut themselves from left to right, and since this is a terribly painful way of suicide, most often one of the samurai present would cut off his head and shorten his long dying in pain.
The caste of samurai, unlike the world's knights, lasted until the first half of the 19th century.
Gi - justice, honesty, integrity, morality, do whatisright
Yuu - courage, boldness, courage
Jin - kindness, benevolence, mercy, compassion
Rei - politeness, kindness, respect, consideration
Makoto - truthfulness, honesty, truthfulness, sincerity
Meiyo - honor, nobility, dignity, reputation, pride without ego
Chuugi - fidelity; Chu - loyalty, loyalty, sacrifice, reliability


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