Published in Bulgaria - Warfare analysis - 17 Apr 2024 17:54 - 23

Isaak Sirk0BattleHeroComments (23)


Wow, herooo you are man of your words of not deleting countries at the early stage of game.
Person who advocated for not deleting countries, sentencing permanent deleting of a country in not even a month of start. Lets not forget North Macedonia has active community 😉

Make Macedonia Great Again o/

@Guatemala, i never deleted any country as CP of Romania and i will do my best not to unless is necessary. Greece's war was a real war and had to be completed with a victory.

it was my honor to fight fot parabellum

wip wip wip o7

Stop using my name!






Wow, herooo you are man of your words of not deleting countries at the early stage of game. Person who advocated for not deleting countries, sentencing permanent deleting of a country in not even a month of start. Lets not forget North Macedonia has active community 😉


Wheres the footage from the millitary parade in Skopje -.-

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Cringe alert 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Vratete se vo mk picinja so begate?

ο7 PAB

fyrom, i envy you, congrats on no NAP

Zrale se zbrale dinsasi... kakva moclana se sobrala papapapa

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