The Judicators

Published in Bulgaria - First steps in eDominacy - 17 Apr 2024 11:59 - 11

Greetings, eDominacy players

Before going on with the topic, I will ask you to vote my article and subscribe to my newspaper for more information about the game. Thank you!

I have seen many questions about how the tiers for individual players competing in the MU Tournament work. And I will answer just that.

As you know there are three tiers, portrayed by 1, 2 or 3 stars:

Tier 1 - ONE STAR - It is for players that have up to 1000 STRENGTH

Tier 2 - TWO STARS - It is for players that have from 1001 to 2000 STRENGTH

Tier 3 - THREE STARS - It is for players from 2001 STRENGTH and above.

Important notes:

It doesn't count Intelligence. It doesn't accumulate strength and intelligence. It follows just the STRENGTH level. I want to repeat that. 

At the moment it doesn't matter if you won in a tier or not, if you were top 3, top 5, top 10 and so on - to go to the next tier. It matters how much strength you have. You won't get moved into higher tier for something else besides that. 

The new notifications:

Some of you are confused by the new notifications that pop up when you open the home page. Those notifications are about rewards you have won from the Wekkly Challenge. Also on the first login of the day, if you have Passport Stamp from Gold Pack, you will get notification with the days reward.

Last tip:

Don't miss on doing your Quest Seasons tasks. The rewards are amazing and are completely worth every drop of effort. To do it easier:

  • You will need the hyperbar production Research Center. From Q3 and above it gives you one hyper bar per day. Also the event itself gives some as reward.
  • This week not, but for other times, check the Gold Exchange wheel. Sometimes it gives hyperbars. Always check other active events. 
  • For the missile mission, any Strategic Building level will work, but Q2 makes the most sense. Make a few companies during the remaining of Weekly Challenge and use it for the gold missions, company creation and company upgrade.
For the Weekly Challenge:

For now and next times it comes. If you are not going to fight in the daily and weekly ranking, don't waste gold. In this edition - up to 60 points all is free to do and pure profit. Up to 80 points also makes sense. If you don't go for rankings, 100 points are okay, only if you are going to spend the gold anyway. 



Comments (11)

Great changes by Admin with the weekly challenge and quest - keep it up
V8, s29 Thanks for the tips, keep up the good work! 💪💪
Очаквай култови и любими български продукции в HBO Max. Премиерата на сезон 1 на сериала „Вина“ е на 18 април, всички сезони на „Под прикритие“ пристигат на 25 април, а минисериалът „Портал“ ще стане наличен на 2 май.
Useful article. Thanks!
As you know there are three tiers, portrayed by 1, 2 or 3 stars: Tier 1 - ONE STAR - It is for players that have up to 1000 STRENGTH Tier 2 - TWO STARS - It is for players that have from 1001 to 2000 STRENGTH Tier 3 - THREE STARS - It is for players from 2001 STRENGTH and above. // Why starting from 1k while we dont have any players in that range yet? It should've been up to 250 str for lvl 1 and 251-500 for lvl 2.
and then you increase it every week as the game progresses, as a non-visa player that would be way more fair and interesting than what we have right now
imzoth. +1