Published in North Macedonia - Social interactions and entertainment - 16 Mar 2025 09:36 - 16

Dear citizens of the new world,
Today, we had be had been awoken by the shocking and horrible news about a fire in a nightclub in the city of Kochani, Macedonia. A fire broke out around 2:30 AM local time at a nightclub, where around 1500 young people were attempting a concert of a national hip-hop band DNK. The fire was started by a sparkle from pyrotechnic devices, which hit the ceiling, made from easily flammable material. The fire quickly spread and people started running out in panic. The aftermath is horrible. A death-toll of 59 was announced as of the time of writing, and over 100 injured, making it one of the biggest tragedies in the whole world. Most of the victims were teenagers aging between 14 and 24. Macedonian government announced 7 days of mourning.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. May these young souls rest peacefully among the angels.
We Macedonia will stop every action against anyone here for next 7 days!

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Horrific news. They may rest in peace 🕊💔


Moja sućut o7





Very sad

RIP💔 So sad 

Our deepest condolences. May the victims rest in peace.

Саучешће, нека страдали почивају у миру
