Raccoon news

Published in Bulgaria - Social interactions and entertainment - 05 Mar 2025 11:27 - 2

Since, I will not have a lot of free time anymore and I want to make sure that I will stop playing I will do a quick giveaway on the Bulgarian market on everything that I got. E.g. I will sell my items for symbolic prices. Have fun with those and if you are playing eRep this will be the last game that I still am not quiting so I hope to see with some of you there. The name is Yasenn123 over there. Enjoy the sale in the next few minutes Smile. Chech for for food, weps and navy weps from Q1 to Q5 and houses are from Q1 to Q3 Smile


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Comments (2)

i left games million times, cos of this i know what do you feel.. but sad to see leaving players in game. i suggest you, if u dont have in game, continue as WTF o7
Bye here Wink