
BornaX - Newspaper from Croatia -
Lucky wheel

Published in Croatia - Social interactions and entertainment - 19 Jan 2025 07:55 - 21

Hello everyone!
Yesterday I found out there are a lot of people who don't spin the wheel till the end and I was shocked. I want to show you the calculation of a profit from the rewards you get in the wheel.


I calculated work tokens profitability in the view of salary you would need to pay those workers, not in the view of wep, ship, food or houses that could be produced and sold because not everyone has the same economy and this is much easier.


Also, to give an answer to the comments I got 9 stars too fast. I calculated this profitability on today's spins where I took all the rewards into consideration. This idea came to me yesterday where I won the 9th star on 96 HRK and had a profit of 2000 HRK but didnt write other rewards like RPGs and EBs.



Crni BombarderNSKBproRollerCoa5terz1IlyrianharisHarkoGrandpaMotorinaMotorinaMotorinaMotorinaMotorinaMad Polar BearMad Polar Bear

Comments (21)

Not correct
Podhitno sebi šta nađii za redovno pražnjenje,pa kakvu bilo...
ne umijem citati glagoljicu.
You were lucky... https://prnt.sc/m-XhtX9WvhJN But I will give it a chance with 2k cc, next weekend, just to convince me, myself and Irene. 😂
Ucuitoru, yesterday I spent 2352 cc and had more than 2000 cc profit. I have the same procedure of calculations but as I've said in the article above, didnt record the other rewards
how you get 30 days hospital ?
Lucious Lyon never even looked at that. Taking on mind I have it for next 300 days I calculated that in my head xD it is 10 days yes, my mistake. Rinum sagni se
Samo Pixeli
Good luck to you! In my case it was terrible... to win everything I reached 180cc per turn. That's a total of 4kcc... Since then I don't exceed 600cc to spend.
TripleKola you need to believe in yourself when gambling! Be persistent, dont stop o7
https://prnt.sc/I_-_TNUIRDEn LUCKY WHEEL!??
Kamen unazad nemak
Peak Yogoslavian maths
Aj ponovo uradi kalkulaciju kad 9tu zvezdicu dobiješ iz 70og puta tj stigneš do 140cc. 70×70=4900cc op, odo u minus!!!
Coass prosli tjedan san na 134 cca dosa znaci nekih 4500 cca i dobija ukupno 121 radnika i 220 cca sta daje nekih 4200-4300 cca, a di su bazuke i ostale nagrade.....presisaju vrijednost tih 300 cca minusa peteroduplo tako da je uvik isplata vrtit, minusa nema, a ima i vecih placa od hrvatskih o7
admin is bias towards visas!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W6MJl4Ej7VKz9HdCUDt7eSHWEzZi40ZNL6qhOAjzR_E/edit?usp=sharing Here, some samples i've made several month ago. Prices might not reflex the current ones (especially the workers)
Irrelevant, as Admin is biased towards visas!
https://prnt.sc/ltuWhIMzqufr 4422cc so.... Smile