Published in Romania - Social interactions and entertainment - 06 Jan 2025 04:56 - 20
Some things cant let it be gone just because you like to eat shit. I wont allow it! The ball is in your court!
Consider this:
06.01 03:48
Thnaks OchiReci, but is better than Denmark, where are you and your multies.
I will say this:
Humulus Ill make you a deal. You ask me sometime ago, very obsessed I might add, why I don't left the game yet as you wish.
Consider the shit you post here show me a clone, only one that I have and I will quite the game and donate all I have to you! You have 2 weeks, and I let you decide what you should do if you fail (and you will), I wont ask anything!
Quite simple! Decide and let me know!
@Admin, please check all Denmark citizens and let all know what you find, I stand by my people, I stand by my friends, I stand like a shield in front of this kind of stupid insults, and I stand with my account for there honour (which probably many don't have)
I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't search the salvation in a game .... I'm just trying to get over life and do my best to be human. I'm happy with me, and with all of my choices, including this one!
So I will wait Florin! Bring it on!
I will also personally ask Admin to check all
And people wonder why I left Romania?
Consider this:
06.01 03:48
Thnaks OchiReci, but is better than Denmark, where are you and your multies.
I will say this:
Humulus Ill make you a deal. You ask me sometime ago, very obsessed I might add, why I don't left the game yet as you wish.
Consider the shit you post here show me a clone, only one that I have and I will quite the game and donate all I have to you! You have 2 weeks, and I let you decide what you should do if you fail (and you will), I wont ask anything!
Quite simple! Decide and let me know!
@Admin, please check all Denmark citizens and let all know what you find, I stand by my people, I stand by my friends, I stand like a shield in front of this kind of stupid insults, and I stand with my account for there honour (which probably many don't have)
I don't lie, I don't cheat, I don't search the salvation in a game .... I'm just trying to get over life and do my best to be human. I'm happy with me, and with all of my choices, including this one!
So I will wait Florin! Bring it on!
I will also personally ask Admin to check all
And people wonder why I left Romania?

Comments (20)


All the OR multies will come in Romania soon. Be ready my friend!

I tell he did it yesterday that if you win your first law will be to attack me. No biggies..
But where are my clones? Are you willing to lose your account for your lie? I am willing because I am right!
Still wait for an answer, do I have from who to ask it?

If you are right I die, If you are not you die! Put your money where your words are! I do that, why don't you do the same?
Is Simple! Be a human or be a humulus, what kind of animal are you? Do you have a word, do you have a brain, honours? Something like that?
Are you willing to pay for your mistakes? I am, because I did for all, my entire life...but I you are just you, I don't see you capable for anything especially that. Prove me wrong here at least!

lets solve problems, and peace between 2 side? if needed anything i'm here for this

Trying to reason like Humulus is like trying to reason with a stone. Not because he's strong but because he doesn't have ears to hear xDDDD

Thank you Romy you have my terms in article, I'm tired anyway just get back in Denmark after 18h of travel and I didn't need that s.... . My offer is fair, if he have proof he get what he want, I already ask Admin to check me thorough and all people in Denmark here.
But you cant find something that doesn't exist, so what he will do? Probably be him and we all know that means!
I wanna play a game not argue every fool there is in the world, because if that is the chase and this is what this game is... my place is not here and will be better for me also!
Do you best, see what happen, and thanks again! I don't think the other side will cooperate. I ask him on chat to simple apologize, he wont even do that !

I know NohTrim but I cant let that slide, is not just about me, is about people I care about and didn't hurt him a bit, but he still throw stones at them for no reasons, just because he is what he is and that say all!

I liked the version of humulus better when he was in Phoenix xDD. But well, I don't know what real problems you had, what I do know is that in that period for some reason he wasn't in Romania and in fact Romania left Phoenix.
I imagine that all this comes from there and Humulus as a good head that is, will not leave you alone even if you and yours have taken another path.
Anyway, things are solved by talking, but as I said, Humulus does not listen and the excuse they always use first is “multies” to try to justify their actions.

NohTrim wont be the first time he attack me (he did that from China also for sesebi, his clone as people say). And is just a game, everything will come back in reshuffle. Is the insults that I cant stand, and the falsity of them. And yes humulus did a lot or bad things to Romania, many was put under the rug, put the few ones that remain there vote him (or his clones, I dont know) and that country is now DEAD. I know him for a long time from another game, I call him caterpillar and the funny part this article is just how much spineless he really is

One simple thing you should know: I was Romanian CP and Schmidt was the Prim-Minister who give him back the Romanian citizenship after months, I was impeach for that and all those who impeach me go in bed with him and now he is again CP în Romania and me and Schmidt are Denmark and he dosent like us. How funny that is?

Yeeey. Nu am mai vazut un articol atât de degeaba, de ceva timp. Măcar daca le scrii cand sunt misiunile de dat like la articole

Sesebi I also didn't see a more useful than you, but I wont say it 

who cars vroom vroom

Sesebi, tocmai a început sezonul (Quest season) 🥴

Din păcate nu ne putem face plăcuți tuturor oamenilor, nu înțeleg de ce vă chinuiți să vă complaceți, bună ziua - bună ziua, respect dacă mă respecți și înainte că pe acolo ne e drumul... poți veni oricând acasă, dar lasă prejudiciile în... Danemarca, și începe totul de la zero, în cu totul altă direcție decât cea lăsată când ai plecat...

Bunny eu am doar gânduri bune spre tine și niciodată nu am zis ceva rău. Da să mă ierți, omul m-a jignit pe mine și pe mulți alții, complet gratuit. Dacă îl ține facem pariul și gata am terminat. E simplu. Mulțumesc că încă ești și mult succes în tot și toate și evident La mulți ani!

My brotherhood with OchiRechi is not a relationship of money or wealth. It is a relationship of friendship and brotherhood. I went to him when I had nothing in the game. I did not ask for anything. He treated me like a gentleman. I always showed him my respect. He is a good person. It does not matter whether he has a left or right ideology. I judge people according to their goodness first.

Thank you Wyceff you are my brother to, and I am glad that I had the privilege to meet you o7.

Îți dai seama, ca omul l-a jignit pe el. Jognirile aduse de el nu conteaza 🤣