Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Social interactions and entertainment - 13 Nov 2024 22:56 - 10

1) First of all, thanks for this interview Dear @HzSa 87. Please introduce yourself to the readers.
Hello everyone, thank you for inviting me here, my nickname is HzSa 87 here which is acronyms of Sarajevo football fan group Horde Zla 1987. In other similar games I used nick The Great. I started played this kind of games from 2011 as kid when I was in elementary school.
In RL, I am 27 years old guy from Central Bosnia (Lasvanska dolina) who currently live in Spain working as Analyst data.
2) How did you register in eDominacy?
I decided to start to play to help Bosman (Huso) gain some refferal golds from me. In start, I dont have intentions play it active but it changed when mostly Bosnian players returned to B&H.
3) If you could change one thing in eDominacy. what would you change?
I would prefer to return double production which was removed from bussines pack. I will like that this game obtain better administration and more people to regulate game as that obtain more fairplay and respectable game.
4) What is the most fun thing you did in the game? And/or most fond memory.
Best things of this game for me is that you get friendships with some players which can last several years. There is also good moment of joy in Discord channel, Skype or in old Mibbit channels.
5) You are one of Tank in this game, what can you say to players, how you can motivate them?
First of all, I am not considering that I am Tank in this game, but advice to enjoy in that game, meet new people, dont provocate to nervousness and obsession with game and dont be stingy in game, it is not all in golds and in CC.
6) Who are your best friends in this game?
I meet several players and make friendships with them in those kinds of game, but I will mentions some from Bosnian community; Murat Monstrum (alchos distributer), T28K, Bosman (Huso), KoB, Lesley, Rinum, njab Mirzet, Stifler, Danider, Yox (supporter of worst Bosnian football team Zeljeznicar),… among others.
7) Who are your best enemy(!) in this game, as hate, and why?
I dont want mentions any special, but in generally I dont like people which are nationalists or they have some extreme politcal views (not import is that communism or nazism; I hate both ideologies). Also I dont like people which are so much proptents and they are looking only for themself.
8) What is your opinions about eTurkiye in this game?
I respect Turkey as RL country with magnificent history and people, we have common history and good relationships which can be better in reallity. In game, we have Alliance in past, now is Turkey in Neutral so we dont have MPP now but I have respect to you and your compatriots
9) if you were dictator of your eCountry and could controll everything, which 3 countries would be your ally, and who will be your eEnemy...
Three countries I which have best relations thourgh game think will be Bulgaria, Serbia and USA. I would like add to here Spain for me personally thing.
And country which I like to remove is Homeland country of Blue Pigeon, remove them from national treasure. Stop glabanju, Sloboda narodu o7
10) What is your last words to players, and also to Admin?
To players: Enjoy in the game as it is posible and make new friendships and meet people.
To Admins: Please be less noob (njabs) then they are now. o7
Thanks so much to Dear @HzSa 87 for this interview.... to be continued...

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eVokasiBOSMANMurat MonstrumMurat MonstrumHzSaHzSademahuMdemahuMMurattidaniderdaniderdaniderdaniderdaniderdaniderK_o_BMurattiComments (10)

Diktator !


Best CP in universe

Zasto Mirzet njab opet 😂🫡🫡

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v o/

Prvi normalan covjek. Svaka cast sto si pomenuo ovog Stifler,taj lik je kraljina

Hz crew 🫡