Economic Pulse

cOSHi - Newspaper from Venezuela -

Published in Venezuela - Political debates and analysis - 15 Oct 2024 03:47 - 9

I am not a man of graphics like Overseer, so I'll be short

What happened?

Overseer had a dream of a strong and formidable Venezuela. We have succeeded. We were ranked in top, had 100% bonus and were able to create a great market for the world. I know, I see you buy my stuff Smile

But RL always lurks. Overseer retired cause of RL issues. I myself are dealing with activity issues due to RL.

I was absent a few days to find Venezuela without active leadership. Weakness is shown and quickly it escalated.

During this time we've been contacted by many people, offering us help in defense, asylum and more.

While some offered help in defense, later asking if they can attack/rent our regions. some just attacked. I do not hold grudge as this is the way of the game, but have deep respect to the first ones, showing relations care more than conquest.

I thank you all. we appreciate it deeply.
What now?

Venezuela non-core regions are free for all. I am happy to see it sparked some life into the game, seeing everyone fighting on our late regions.

I have taken leadership as CP, regrouping those who haven't left the game or to other countries.

We will regroup and take our core regions and stabilize our economy. from there we'll see what our future holds.

In recent weeks we were able to build a very thick economic and supply base we can grow back again quickly.

We will keep at the moment the citizens high salaries and MU regular budgets. MU and fighters growth investment will be held though until further notice.

In diplomacy, we will avoid power struggles at the moment but will defend our core regions.

2 first declarations:

1. Every country that wishes to talk with Venezuela will have an embassy in our discord server. We will talk with everyone, but do not push us to a corner.

2. Venezuela is opening a global trade hub. Traders are welcome to contact me via PM, discord preferable. registered traders will pay a fee and will get access to community resources and preferable trading options. In a few days we will start rolling.

Discord server:

won't say start will be easy, we're also welcome those who wish a new adventure and willing to be active. 


GuatemalaPuskisMurat Monstrum

Comments (9)

Always with you Coshi Always the best of luck to you
Good luck Coshi, Alejandro, and Venezuela o7
They smell blood like sharks...Wish you all the best in the future.