Dincolo de nori

Visator - Newspaper from Romania -

Published in Romania - Social interactions and entertainment - 22 Jun 2024 06:56 - 1

24 iunie 2024

Costume din  Arad, Lugoj, Lipova ( Arad),  Sânnicolau Mare (jud. Timișoara) și alte zone din Banat.

 Folk costumes from    Arad, Lugoj, Lipova ( Arad),  Sânnicolau Mare (district Timișoara) and other areas from Banat.


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☕https://prnt.sc/v4B1OV6J-F9E⁉Неуточнени битки [01:35] (03) 0:47 Gansu [02:16] (02) 0:38 Madhya Pradesh [00:18] (02) 0:21 Mazandaran and Golistan [00:00] (01) 0:53 Sofia [00:00] (01) 0:47 Lower Carniola