
Aveun - Newspaper from Germany -

Published in Germany - Political debates and analysis - 16 Jun 2024 10:14 - 14

I was really reluctant to take part in madness that is taking place in game currently, by the one of the belligerent sides. However circumstances push me to write this article, for I no longer can tolerate the rhetoric espoused by our

It seems to me that we are having a general outbreak of some kind of unknown disease in this game, the unfortunate ones to be infected by this disease experience following symptoms: Delusion, Madness and Paranoia.

Some started to champion not being wiped in an offensive war as an achievement, some think the entire game rotates around them like Earth rotates around the Sun, some start to believe there is hatred towards their nation, general conspiracy to bring down their experience an agenda to destroy them.

I've been playing games of this genre for 10 years, I've played multiple of them, I've been a Soldier, Government member, Leader of a country and Leader of an Alliance, but never have I seen the level of delusionality, in those games like we are seeing in this one. 

Countries & Alliances start wars, over grudges, IRL reasons, bonuses, disagreements, or just for fun, but this is probably the first time we're seeing wars of moral supremacy, however funny this may sound, that's the rhetoric currently held by one of the belligerent sides. I'm not gonna go into details, how wars started, why it started, why was one country a target and another an attacker, for this is now completely irrelevant.

Now what matters is that, recently Phoenix alliance was approached by the idea of signing peace, although no terms or anything were discussed, just an idea and possibility of ending this conflict, since the reshuffle is on it's way and this war has indeed been tiring for all sides. As usual people within the Alliance had different opinions regarding this proposal, some had grudges over the countries they deemed as aggressors that attacked them, others had personal conflicts with certain individuals, from the opposing side, and list goes on, so in the end the offer was rejected, for we inner discussions did not come to general consensus.

Reaction to this, was something that few would imagine, a general rant and victimization of biggest community in the game. Declaration of the opposing side as evil, claiming them having an Malicious intent that goes beyond generic gameplay in such games, Evil plan to destroy their community, harm them by any means, delving in every possible conspiracy to bring about their downfall. They leave their alliance, dissolve the government and declare to be non-partisan, lone wolves that will defend themselves from evildoers in this game.

It's sad to see biggest community indulging in such infantile behavior, that serves nothing but self-aggrandizing & manic obsession with an idea of your enemies, not just wanting to win in a war you started, but to completely eradicate you from this game.

I'd advise all players, that don't want to take part in such delusions to continue playing and working, so game can be enjoyable, equally for all of us, regardless of our affiliations and conflicts.

P.S Note - I forgot to mention. I've always been, am and will be against Alliances, Nations or Wars that damage the server and ruin the experience, wiping countries and trying to make their communities leave is one of the wicked things one could do in such games, as long as I'm here and I have any influence over the game whatsoever, I will always be a bastion that fights against such things, people who know me, shall undeniably vouch for me on this take.

Sincerely - Aveun


KabokloSaferSatoruPavelchoLordSun3Play2285Gral Aguilar

Comments (14)

Without saying much or pointing fingers. This war was, de facto an invasion war by the entirety of CF alliance [ except Croatia actively ] to destroy Serbia, with their vocal casus beli that actions have consequences. This grudge war ended up banding the rest of CF enemies and neutral nations to the defence of Serbia, which lead with slow progress ro transforming this war from pure defence, into counter-attack. And now dissapointed at the sight of the failure and scale of hate that move created, people are self justifying or disconecting themselvs from deffeat...
U cant defeat Serbia, and when you think you are winning, Serbia will start to shoot with weapons
"I'm not gonna go into details, how wars started, why it started, why was one country a target and another an attacker, for this is now completely irrelevant" - You can't go into details, because you don't know shit about this game. And that is a blatant fact. Same goes for Safer. His whole message is a full on lie from the second sentence on. So if you are going to call out dellusions, start first with the two yourself first.
Our conspiracy to destroy Bulgaria is 98% done, just wait a bit more Danider.
There is no Bulgaria anymore, so it is impossible to destroy it. And it is written in a way that even the dumbest planet on the world can understand it. So again a dellusion.
And for the speculations of peace agreements and shit, how there were no terms. First we have stated our readiness to give up rare regions if that will stop the war. Second on our call I told you that you can ask for a status quo, meaning to release only cores of the countries both sides have conquered and can keep the other regions as they are. So there were actual terms and you could counter them with anything you want. And the joke that yall consider talks with your past leader of alliance as unofficial, this only proves how dellusional you really are.
Proposal was peace, we never went into details, what you said in Serbian voice chat while disco slav was playing, does not give your legitimate argument to claim that we ignored it. We passed your offer of peace to alliance, if they were interested, they would ask for terms, but they didn't because everyone was mad at someone, I explained that 20 times already, but you can keep pretending like it's part of conspiracy against Bulgaria, delulu.
One way or another, every single person in this game will find out the truth by himself. I am done talking with mental germans
Whoever wants to join our grand scheme of eradicating Bulgaria from this game, please pm me so I can invite you to our secret chat.
o7 nice one Aveun !
Kaiser Safer the Mighty said it all o/
So true, brother. So true.