Behind the scenes

Published in Bulgaria - Financial analysis - 06 Jun 2024 13:04 - 7

Which country will be deleted next?
Payments are in gold, via donations in my profile.

1. Albania 1.70 coefficient
2. Ireland 1.20
3. Brazil 1.4
4. Australia 1.2
5. Sweden 1.4
6. Bulgaria 1.7
7. Macedonia 1.4
8. Serbia 1.7
9. Romania 1.7
10. France 1.4
11. Greece 1.5
12. Indonesia 1.7
13. Iran 1.4
14. Germany 1.4
15. Croatia 1.4
16. Bosnia 1.4
17. Turkey 1.4
 Payout will be delivered when some of these countries got deleted.


Comments (7)

6 and 7 because EDIN NAROD
Eden narod vo dve drzavi, cpamota
Australia 40 gold
Ireland 800 gold
Greece 2k gold