Published in Bulgaria - Political debates and analysis - 01 Apr 2024 15:24 - 44
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Comments (44)

Quite comprehensive article, spot on the main issues.
Lets hope its taken care.

As a visa player, I totally agree with you. There should be a balance so more players can enjoy this game. This biggest mistake was the training centres as you've mentioned it. Also, the gold is really hard to make it, I must admit!! If each level was unlocked once a month, I think that would be very beneficial as the gap would not be big. Admins must start thinking about closing the gap in the recent future!!!

sadly its irreversible now


Training grounds aviable at day 1 was a huge mistake.


True words

Agree admin you need to be a bit fair for every players

As a part visa player i agree !

Erep, erev1/2 and all the others have always been pay to win games.
Perhaps to a greater or lesser extent, for example I left Erep and erev since there was a time when I did not have access to pay in foreign currency.
That changed and I played again and the payment in Erev2 was unsustainable.
Here the truth is I will have spent around €800-1000 to have everything in the first few days.
The fields are full, 5 food companies, 2 tank companies and two boat companies at maximum capacity.
Not counting all the warstash and monthly packages I bought.
Yes, it is a paytowin game

Pay to win, mmmm

Still early , hopefully the needed changes are made ASAP

Also agee with harreki comment !

It's a non issue, there will always be those who will spend to win, happens in every game where it is an option

if gold earning will be easy maybe after 2 years game will be inactive. I think rare golds and resources is good way. maybe edominacy need limit of energy packs. because of f*cking Jango will not 100x normal player.

@Singularity Enigma, i'm not against p2w players, the game needs them, buying gold is a pretty big advantage by itself anyway, i'm against a few nukes dealing more damage than whole countries of f2p players.

differences between f2p and p2w players will always exist and those are needed to be there, they're just not well calculated and the impact on battles is way too much

Omg... No balance?

V+ S
I totally agree, many mistakes in the begining of the game, admin wants fast money

Great points


i think this game just wasting your free time chilling not true game.
i have ideia too np if pay to win but they should fight each others not fighting nornal plyers
i mean ppls should fighting there ranking not very high or very low to be fair and equel game

To compare with erev and erev2, which this game is based, Jango would already have over 700 TP medals with this damage.

estoy totalmente de acuerdo, al inicio metí un par de packs, pensaba comprar más 1 o 2 por mes pero ahora se me quitaron las ganas de comprar es más la de jugar si era el juego enfocado en los visas lo debieron llamar edovisanacy. para que invitar más jugadores al game para encontrarse con este muro tan vertical entre los que pagan y los que no?

Kenapa tidak di bubarkan saaja game copy paste ini

I agree with everything. The game is absolutely P2W. Unfortunately, some processes are irreversible.

I fully agree. And on top of all these issues, the reduction of the damage made without weapons is making gold from tp medals even harder to gain because I believe most f2p players don't have enough weapons to fight with.

Very good


i completely agree with the analysis. if they continue on this path, the game is headed towards imminent failure.
many similar games hace emerged, and far from avoiding these mistakes, they've been very greedy from day one and lasted very little, some a few months more than others, but ultimately, they've all had to close down.
another mistake is starting wars from day one without giving countries time to organize and forme their governments and troops. i currently advise against spending money because i don't see much future in it, and it s just money wasted

It is a cheap copy of eR, with the addition of collection, at least in eR you can play decently without being a paying player


completely agree. it is not impossible to return the pack and reset the game from zero. imho, the pack should only contain gold and energy


act fast admin or we rip

True Ally/Revolutionary medals are needed,
s 37 + v 70 o7 Juicio y Misericordia / Judgment and Mercy

In this game we have unbalanced everything



I hope the game management team will extend the deadline to upgrade the 50% discount, for me the discount has disappeared and many people like me could not use this discount properly because gold is hard to get and the deadline was very limited...

Admin dont want Gold in game cause they want players to buy it on store. That is answer why is small amount of Gold in game
