La Panadería Express

Objavljeno u Mexico - Ratne odredbe - 07 May 2024 17:51 - 13

This is a message for our dear enemies, The maritimal Hordes that came from the Nortwest, invading us from the sea taking Baja California, and from then, expanding as a plague.

We tried to be nice with them, but they choose the path of war which only means only one thing!!!

But if a foreign enemy should dare
to profane your ground with his step,
Think, oh beloved Motherland! that heaven
gave you a soldier in each son.

Bosnia, We see you on the battlerfield!!!


A_mi_ is a___o_eLesley

Komentari (13)

Ireland and Parabellum approve o7
You can only be thankful to Bris and company, we saw this days your games, noobs Mexico 🫶🏻 sing song, it’s better for you, because soon you will see why xD and it’s not us 😆
Vratit će se Valter po svoje o7
jos ih nije stid objavit clanak xD hahha
Shame shame
Kao treba njih da se bojimo,a 3 meksikanca ukupno dali dmg za svoju drzavu. 🤣 Hahahah 😂🤣 Koji ste vi kraljevi. I jos ponosno clanak objavit. Walter is coming o7
Yes, 3 people are wining against all you. I would be very ashamed...
Mislim žao mi ih je što su naivni
Grande Mexico! o7
3 covjeka iz meksika ili irske?
Ja ne vidim u bitkama Meksikance. U kojoj vi bitki pucate? Ne kontam? Prosvjetli me?
Irci postali Meksikanci ???
Pole no reclamada